Batman and Swazy

Special Needs Kitten Rescue!

      Hello there good citizens! Batman had the awesome opportunity to help Rescue Transport USA and Doobert get 4 special needs Kittens who have a condition called Cerebellar Hypoplasia  to an experienced foster. This is a neurological disease found in numerous species of animals. Cerebellar Hypoplasia happens when the cerebellum of the brain fails to develop properly. The cerebellum is the portion of the brain that controls fine motor skills, balance and coordination. The condition isn’t painful or contagious. CH usually occurs when a pregnant cat becomes infected with feline Panleukopenia virus and then passes the infection to her unborn kittens. The Panleukopenia virus preferentially attacks rapidly dividing cells. During the perinatal period (which is the last weeks of pregnancy and the first weeks after birth) the cerebellum is undergoing rapid growth and development, making it vulnerable to attack by the virus. The condition may only affect one kitten in a litter, or may involve all littermates. In this case it involved 4 out of the 5 kittens. The stray momma kitty was found and taken in and the kittens that needed special care made it down to Palm Bay, Florida from West Virginia Safely. 

They were adorable!

Batman and SwazyBatman, May, and Kittens

5 thoughts on “Special Needs Kitten Rescue!”

  1. Evelyn Oberdorfer

    You are an amazing and inspirational man! I’ve shared this story told on Good Day news with many and will donate to your great cause!

  2. Elena Van Hooser

    I just found out about Batman4Paws from an article my mom sent me, and I have to say that this is so awesome! Rescue animals are very close to my heart. I currently have a very special rescue daughter kitty. And I totally love the Batman aspect. You are doing something so important. I was wondering if you have an Amazon wishlist for the organization that people can send items as well as make donations? You are an amazing person and thank you for all that you do for these furbabies!

    1. Hey there Elena! Hope you’re doing well. Thanks for the support! I don’t have an amazon wishlist but I am on Amazon Smile and you can choose Batman4Paws as your charity of choice if you would like. There’s a link to the amazon page at the bottom of the BatmanPaws home page. Thanks again for helping Batman and his mission to Empty The Cages!

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