Batman and Robin were able to get a Schnauzer named Linda from Miami to a forever home up in South Carolina. Linda’s story is quite intriguing and begins in Venezuela, which has been ravaged by corruption and reckless economic policy as of late. These policies have created a serious economic decline in the country. People are struggling to find food to eat themselves let alone feed their pets. Linda’s owner in Venezuela luckily knew some people in government and instead of getting her self out chose to get her precious Schnauzer out. That’s when she met her new foster momma and guarding angel Lizzette with God Made Dog Rescue. Lizzette and a man named Howie helped nurse the emaciated Linda Back to good health and even got 3 possibly cancerous tumors taken care of. Lizzette was also able to find her a loving furever home with a woman named Rosemary. Batman and Robin were happy to answer the call and assist in getting this doggo to her forever home where she is finally able to rest easy with a full belly.