Hello there everyone! The Dark Knight here checking in. Rescue number four has been completed and ironically enough had four furry rescue critters to. The four cats that were rescued were named Dakota, DD, Khloe, and Octavia (who was quite the trouble maker trying to crawl under Batman’s feet but was also a sweet heart). Batman drove all the way from Titusville, Florida to Richmond, Virginia, where he left them in the care of another awesome volunteer Diana. In the 11 hours they spent with Batman he barely heard a peep out of them. He thinks it must of been the similar ears. They were truly a pleasure to transport. Their story begins in Florida we’re their disabled owner got evicted from her house and had no place to stay. She had to do what she had to do to put a roof over her head so she ended up getting a hotel to figure things out, only one problem. They wouldn’t allow her cats. Their owner didn’t know what to do and was faced with the tough decision to put her babies into the shelter system, as she didn’t have a Florida address anymore. As luck would have it an awesome lady named Robyn who helps run Rescue Transport USA came to the rescue and offered to foster these kitties for a whole month till a plan could be made to transport these bundles of joy to her fiancé who lived in New Jersey. After a two-day journey and over 15 hours in multiple cars they are now safe and sound and able to take a well needed catnap.
Till the next rescue!