Batman4Paws Affiliates

Help Support Education and Animals!
Hey there, Batman4Paws Supporters! Batman is a big believer in paying it forward, thinking outside-the-box, and supporting kids’ imaginations, which is why when he was contacted by a teacher and her students about a tremendous project to help shelter dogs, he wanted to let you know about it here!
Clarissa Ngo, who founded, an incubator for kids that teaches eloquence, philanthropy, and innovation, mentored Kylie, Avril and Luke (ages 15, 15, and 12) to create Humphrey the Hound, a book, website, and learning adventure ride in Minecraft to promote shelter pet adoption! You can see their book, websites, and theme park ride here:
Paw Print Studios
A teenage girl’s quest to save animals in creative ways.
Learning adventure ride to promote shelter pet adoption:
Avril (the illustrator’s) website:
If you’d like to purchase Humphrey the Hound, 100% of the books profits go to charity, with 5% going to Emagination Island, a virtual learning adventure park built entirely by kids to teach everyone how to imagine, create, and give!
Choose “Batman4Paws” during checkout if you’d like the book to benefit the Dark Knights crusade to empty the cages.
Thanks for the Support!